WELCOME!! This is the first installment from The Cranky Great Grandma!
Are you sitting there scratching your head, wondering what the hell just happened in our country? It’s called a “coup”. No, not where you keep your chickens, although with the price of eggs nowadays, you might want to invest in one for your backyard!!
But it is also the short abbreviated version of the French word “coup de-tat,” pronounced “coo de ta.” Nope! It’s not a delicious dessert. It is when a small group of people take over by force. In this case, it did not include guns, bombs, and bloodshed. It is simply about who had the most MONEY! Hence…..it is still a coup, but it is a “self-coup” or autogolpe (if you don’t get it, Google it like everybody else. Or read the article by Alex Norris on 2/13/25 on Liberal Currents.) It is still BAD and not legal! Politicians, apparatchiks, and oligarchies who thrive on power and remain intoxicated by the fact they can control the rest of us. Just as in past history, the rich keep getting rich, and the poor just fade away and are left to die. It is very apparent that history DOES repeat itself, and most folks just don’t pay attention!
Did you know that we actually have a Constitution of the United States and a Bill of Rights? Yes, yes we do! However it appears that the current “MENstruation” gets to pick and choose what they feel will serve THEM, and then ignore the ones that they don’t like.
To quote an old Greek wise man, Aristotle said, “……At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice, he is the worst.”
There is SOOOO much going on right now; it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why there are going to be numerous installations, as it can’t all be covered in just one. The room is filled with so many elephants that I fear the house will fall.
I’m going to start with one that is very upsetting to me and some of my friends, because it directly is causing them fear and caution. That would be this insidious plan of our government and ICE to raid, terrify and detain people under the guise of “deporting illegal aliens.” (Note: people can not be illegal) They are already (especially in New Mexico and Arizona) harassing members of Sovereign Indian Nations!! If you are unaware of what that is, I am speaking of the ORIGINAL Indigenous Peoples that were here long before the white hordes invaded. Yes! Members of Navajo, Hopi, Pueblo, and other Nations are being stopped by ICE simply because they are not “white-skinned”! These people have suffered their own genocide, theft, rape, murder, and a host of other atrocities. Now they are being threatened with deportation!! Since they were here FIRST……just where would they be deported to? Most of them live in sub-standard reservations, so just send them home. None of it makes any sense!!
However, the almighty MuskOx, who was born in SOUTH AFRICA (and whose emerald mining father married a Canadian-born woman, who then sent him to Canada with his mom to obtain Canadian citizenship, then moved to the US to obtain dual citizenship!), is running the country like a corporate hostile takeover!! But he is the richest man in the world, so who better to ass-rape our federal government like a dog in heat? Being allowed access to PRIVATE information on ALL Americans who receive Social Security, Disability, Food Stamps, WIC, pensions, etc., can wreak havoc with this kind of information. Not to mention shutting down USAID and suspending grants for cancer research, Medicaid, charitable foundations, etc. Our government is always talking about keeping our private information safe and protected. But you are giving access to it, without our permission, to a random, non-elected oligarch who builds ugly cars that blow up? Literally, WHAT THE FUCK?????!!!!!! The one upshot of this is that Rump has the attention span of a toddler, so let’s wait a bit and see how long it takes for him to disagree with MuskOx and kick him to the curb!!
Besides, Rump is too busy trying to take over our cultural appreciation by hijacking the Kennedy Center and getting his face on Mount Rushmore! Like he could fill even one of any of those men’s shoes!!!
And let us not forget who is going to be in charge of our Healthcare systems. RFK, Jr? The man with the worm in his brain, who carries around dead bears in his trunk and has a history of very bizarre behavior? My guess is that Rump just wanted his last name to piss off the Democrats, even thou his whole family has disowned him. (Watch a couple of Katie Couric’s posts!) The man is flat-ass crazy, but HE is going to be in charge of Medicare and Health Services??? Well, there is a double WHAT THE FUCK????
Please feel free to comment if anybody has anything to add to our little program. (Note: you can reach us at coup “at” thisisacoup.us) We will NOT get into a war of wits with unarmed people, so if you are just going to spout MAGA crap…..keep it to yourselves! The first time I heard the word Antifa, I had to look it up. When I did I found out that they are simply people that are anti-fascism. Don’t we all stand against fascism?
So if us fascist hating people want to stick together, so be it.. Let’s try this one on for size: ANTIMAGA!!! We are in the fight of our life! Not just for ourselves, but our democracy, our country, and our very existence! Don’t let all the blah, blah, blah take your attention away from what is REALLY going on. That’s what they want. It’s all smoke and mirrors so we won’t focus on what is really happening!
Your Grandma wants you to take some actions!

Wear a Mask
It's time to dig your masks out and start wearing them again. We would say that you never should have hung them up. For disabled people, particularly those with a compromised immune system or Long Covid, the lack of masking in public spaces has made those spaces...

Support Transgender Folks Who Are Incarcerated
Transgender people are under attack. Well, that's not entirely true. Transgender people have been under attack for years now; it's just gotten way worse over the last year or so. There are those people who argue that the transgender population is so tiny it's not...

Fuck you, NCAA
The NCAA is a body designed to make money from football and basketball. We are fans. We cheer for our college teams. Since taking office, Trump has attacked trans people. This is an attempt to force trans people out of public life. This is an attempt to pull away...

Thank You, Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde
On January 21st, the Right Reverand Mariann Edgar Budde took to the pulpit at the National Cathedral for an interfaith worship service for the Trump inauguration. She ended her sermon with the following words:Let me make one final plea, Mr. President. Millions have...