An art deco design with the words "For Fucks Sake" in the middle.

It’s a Coup

Look, we don’t know how to stop fascism. We have read and listened to very smart people who have made some very smart suggestions. We agree that Nazis should be punched, but we are not the punching type. We believe that the actions being taken should be resisted at every opportunity, but while we work mostly for nonprofits and nonprofit adjunct jobs, we aren’t in a position to resist.

We are the cat ladies that JD Vance warned you about, although several of us do, have kiddos. Some of us are queer. Some of us are disabled. Some of us are great-grandmas who did not think they would have to deal with this bullshit in their golden years.

We have some experience with organizing, although not through anything like this. We are old enough that zines and fliers are how we communicated in college. We are scared for ourselves and are family and friends.

And we are really, really, fucking angry.

We are angry, sure, at the fascists who are raining this bullshit down on us. We are angry that Musk, of all fucking people, gets to decide what government programs get to stay operating while high on fucking ketamine. He’s got delusions of being King while Trump is basically acting like one. But we they are who they said they would be. They are who we knew they would be.

We are really, really, angry that the Democrats can’t figure out how to walk and chew gum. And look, we didn’t expect much. These clowns got a sneak peak at the decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade and still couldn’t put forward a coherent policy that would ensure that all people who need abortions could get one.

But we were really floored at how bad it has been. They are doing the exact same thing mainstream media is doing. They are normalizing this bullshit. Here we are, screaming into the fucking void, and they can’t even figure out how to do something as easy as withholding unanimous consent.

We doubt the same playbook that worked in the first Trump administration will work in the second. Not that we advise you to stop calling your representatives – keep at it! But we are interested in new ideas and the things people try. We are interested in experiments, and we are okay if they fail. And we are interested in the same zines, fliers, and posters we made thirty years ago. We want to share information. We want to find the other zines and information. We want to share resources with like-mind folks and provide materials you can use to help educate your people on what is happening.

We will share writing and resources that have helped us get through this moment, but we are avoiding anyone who publishes on Substack. We will not post anything that is AI generated. We are grounding the work we do in Sins Invalid’s 10 Principals of Disability Justice, but we will make mistakes and will appreciate good-faith efforts to point out when we do that and suggest ways we can be better. We are a volunteer collective, and this is not our day job.

We’re doing our best, and if you are also doing that and want to reach out, we would love to hear from you. If you have resources you want to add, we’ll add them if you send them to coup @ If you have things you want to try, we’d love to hear about them.

If nothing else, we are going to try to document what we are seeing and how we are feeling. Because you know what?

This is a coup.

Zines and Stuff

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