An art deco design with the word "Goons" in the middle.

The Goons who are doing the Coup.

We are unsure what else you call people who are staging a Coup because we have never before lived through one. We are going with Goons because it feels very appropriate. The definition at Merrian Webster seems very on the nose.

Also, you know what these guys don’t want? They don’t want us looking too closely at who they are, just like they don’t want us knowing exactly what they are doing. Otherwise, Elon wouldn’t have taken to Twitter to claim that even naming the goons who were dismantling the government was a crime.

It is not a crime. Not yet, anyhow.

Our focus here is on two things. First, to shine a light on these people. You don’t get to hold the Treasury hostage and whine when someone prints your name. We can’t let that become a thing. But second, we want to focus on how what these people are doing is going to affect you, your neoliberal family who reads the Times and thinks everything is just fine, and the MAGA folks who are about to get kicked in the nuts along with the rest of us. We want you to be able to share this with Aunt Joanie when you have to remind her that those nice young men don’t have a security clearance, and their code changes may leave us vulnerable to a cyber attack by foreign powers.

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