An art deco design with the word "ACTIONS" in the middle.

You have power. You can act.

These are actions you can take.  As much as possible, we will try to keep them evergreen.  You can always send love to Abortion Clinics. You can always thank folks who are making a difference in the face of what is, yes, a coup. But shit is wild. We will do our best.

We will not be telling you to contact your federal representatives. There are other groups for which that is the beginning and end of their playbook, and that’s okay!  Do that thing! It is important! But that is covered.

Nor will we be listing protests. Go protest. It’s cathartic. It will make you feel better. It will hopefully get news coverage and pressure folks. We will share resources on keeping yourself safe if you do that. Contact your local organizers to know when and where to show up.

We feel like protesting and calling your representatives are great, but that can not be the beginning and end of your activism if you want to fight the coup. We are going to focus on other things that you can do. We are focused on sharing information and alerting people to what is happening because, mercy, many people don’t! But we are also focused on actions that you can use to build your community and be active in your community.

We can’t do this alone. Get a group of friends together. Include men because they have been sitting on the sidelines long enough. Have some wine or pot. Discuss what you are feeling and acknowledge it. Then, take action together.

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